Frili aims to build a strong volunteer community across festivals in Oslo, through regular meetups and a digital platform.
Frili consist of two main parts and one supportive element. The first part is the Frili Meetup, an event with food, drinks and entertainment for volunteers and volunteer recruiters to connect and find each other. It's a place for celebration of volunteers and signing up for new festivals. 
The supportive element, the Bootcamp is a training program for specific tasks that require training, such as security. Both the Meetup and the Bootcamp will lay the foundation for the Future Platform, that will be launched later than the other two. It will be a supportive platform for the volunteer experience and tasks preparations, as well as a tool for development of skills and résumé.

Nominated and shortlisted for Strategic use of design in AHO Awards.
AHO Master Service Design 2018
by Xifan Cui and Martin Pangy Rojas P. Bøckman
Service Design // Duration: 5 weeks
The challenge
Arena Oslo cluster
As students of AHO and R&D partner in Arena Oslo Cluster, we were given the opportunity to map out, identify and propose solutions to the opportunities and challenges of activating the cluster.
We choose to work with the recruitment of the volunteers for the 10 festivals: 
Arena Oslo Cluster Festivals: Miniøya, By: Larm, Holmenkollen Skifestival, Inferno, Bislett Games, Oslo Pride, Øya Festival, Oslo Jazz Festival, Opera til Folket, Ultima
Volunteer recruiting is costly – alone
The festivals need volunteers to keep the festival up and running, recruiting volunteers is costly and each festival are recruiting by themselves today. Some festivals attract more volunteers than others.
An opportunity was to get the festival of the cluster to go together by sharing resources and collaborating on a common volunteer platform, for both competence, data and financial reasons. ​​​​​​​
The volunteer
In our research we found that volunteers are usually motivated by the feeling of contributing and making a difference, and also networking for social or professional purposes, learning new skills and experiencing the festivals. Three of core needs that volunteering potentially could fulfil is the need to belong to a community, being acknowledged for their contribution and effort, and grow as persons, and this was something we would incorporate in the core of our concept.
To answer to the actual needs of the volunteers and use the core competence of the festivals we saw that our solution needed to first be a physical meeting and a digital platform later on.
The Journey
Frili Meetup
Frili Meetup will build a shared community across festivals in Oslo. By acknowledging volunteers for their previous contributions and awarding exeptional volunteering Frili aims to build a generous culture in the community. The festival coordinators that are recruiting can participate and meet the volunteers in person and recruit volunteers for their festivals, while connecting and sharing new experiences together through local food, drinks, and entertainment. 
The timing of the Meetup is set to April and October due to the upcoming festivals, and the chance to acknowledge the volunteers for previous contribution. It's also set to give students that's new to Oslo a chance to participate in meaningful experiences and start building their network. The festivals that are off season can offer their curses in the bootcamp.
The Bootcamp is a training program for specific tasks that require training, such as security. These training programs already exist within the festivals, but is not shared, so by sharing these resources they can build a standardized and professionalized training programs for all, while making the training content for the Future Platform.
The Future Frili Platform
The Future Frili Platform will be launched later than the other two. It's a digital platform where volunteers have their personal information, contracts and experience résumé so that they can easily register for volunteering in new festivals without filling in all information and experience again, and again. It's where the volunteers will have all the information needed to do their tasks well. If there are tasks that needs training, they can access this with the online training function whenever they need to, or if they just want to develop their skillset and résumé.

Very early sketch of what the the future platform could be.

In the long term all of Frilis components will co-exist and support each other, because of the community building value that the Frili Meetups give that the others can't, and some volunteer tasks needs physical demonstration and training through the Bootcamp, while the Future Frili Platform will work as a supporting tool that takes the pressure of a lot of the information overload and improves and enrich the volunteer experience and development.
As a digital platform takes time and money to develop, our low hanging fruit is the Frili Meetup and Bootcamp. The two will lay the framework for a strong volunteer community and the collaboration on a common platform for the festivals, but most importantly it will be the basis of the shared volunteer database and the making of training content to the Future Platform.
Service Blueprint

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